The Tricycle Way – Sanjog Aul | Original Self-Help Book Providing A Proven Way To Achieve Both Success And Happiness

I love a good self-help book, particularly if it offers something new to the table to help me with my personal development. I felt that The Tricycle Way would be well-received given that work-life balance is such an important and focused on topic right now, so thank you to author Sanjoy Aul and Shikta T. Atreya for gifting me a paperback copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

***AD: This post contains a press sample but all thoughts are my own***


My wife almost left me. My seven-year-old son locked me out in the garage. My three-year-old daughter forgot to include me in her family drawing. My health got so bad, I nearly died. That was when I was racing through life, chasing money and fame.
No matter what you do for a living, I’m sure you like success. You think it must feel great to have an expensive car, a huge mansion, a carefree lifestyle. But is this wealth worth sacrificing everything else in life?
Running after what you don’t have — and fearing you’ll lose what you do have — shifts focus away from what you need. It’s OK to work hard for money and fame. But should the journey be so painful that the fruits of your labor taste bitter and make your soul sick?
Are you looking for a way to end the crazy race and get off the hamster wheel? Or, do you just want to find ways to boost the level of fulfillment, fortune, and fun you’re already enjoying? If yes, this book for you.
The Tricycle Way is the soul-baring story of Sanjog Aul’s redemption and transformation from a Success Maniac to a Happy Rider. Using examples from his own life and his coaching experiences, he reveals a surprisingly simple step-by-step process for assembling a life of peace, freedom, fortune, and fun.
Sanjog claims that if you go The Tricycle Way and start focusing first on daily satisfaction and more smiles, it will lead to broader, greater, sweeter-tasting success. You’ll stop racing through life and start enjoying the ride. Even if you’re not a success maniac, it will help you lead a balanced life with peace, freedom, fortune, and fun only few can imagine. 
(Taken from Goodreads)

My Review

Work-life balance is something I struggle with in all honesty – my competitive nature and constant need to be doing something productive/money-making at all times may be useful in succeeding at things, but has also led to burnout and chaos within my personal life. To read about someone with similar traits that nearly wrecked their life because of it was quite eye-opening, and even though I’ve got better at my work-life balance in recent years I still learnt a lot from it.

Cover image for The Tricycle Way by Sanjog Aul

The author’s tricycle method is clever and concise – each part of the tricycle represents something different that is needed to achieve a successful yet happy life, right down to the rust that appears as the tricycle is neglected. It’s not a flimsy analogy made purely to sound clever but rather a concrete methodology where each part makes sense combined with the concept that it’s paired with. It makes it easy to understand what might be lacking in your life, but also how to fix it and the ways in which each part works alongside each other. Whilst reading I learnt all sorts of things, from how to use daily acts of bliss to keep myself level-headed to why giving is such an important act both within your career and your personal life.

Chapters are generally fairly short and easy to follow, with each chapter including a situational piece of writing framed around fictional characters Jim and Sue, who are pursuing a new business venture, and their advisor Heather who often steps in to help them understand where they are going wrong. I really liked these pieces as they add to each chapter and help the reader understand the issue in what could easily be a real life situation. I would have liked a summary at the end of each chapter which I’ve found is quite common in self-help books – perhaps bullet points showing what has been learnt (for those of us with poor memories), or a checklist of things for the reader to focus on using their newfound knowledge – however I found the tricycle diagram at the end quite useful and generally chapters were easy to digest.


Final Thoughts

The self-help market is certainly saturated right now however books like The Tricycle Way stand out by being fresh and original, both in terms of content and methodology. If, like me, you struggle to get your work-life balance correct (especially if it’s focused more towards the work side of things) then I wholly recommend that you give this one a read. Your family, friends, and general health will thank you for it!

Purchase Link

If you want to purchase The Tricycle Way by Sanjog Aul then you can do so here:

The Tricycle Way by Sanjog Aul – Amazon UK
The Tricycle Way by Sanjog Aul – Amazon US

Author Bio

Sanjog Aul is an executive coach, strategic consultant, editorial planner, public speaker, and moderator specializing in business and IT thought leadership. Sanjog has independently fashioned himself into a subject matter expert and thought leader for C-Suite audiences through the institutions he has built. As the founder, CEO, and host of CIO Talk Network, he has led pointed exchanges between C-level executives, engaging them in a wide array of topics related to today’s top IT trends. Sanjog has worked with and interviewed more than 800 top IT executives from global enterprises including Google, MasterCard, the New York Stock Exchange and Euronext, NASA, the Department of Defense, the United Nations, and more.
(Taken from Sanjog Aul’s website)

If you enjoyed this review then don’t forget to like, pin, and leave a comment – let me know what you like most in a self-help book! You can some other self-help book reviews here:

A Gentle Hug For The Soul – Lindsay Coldrick
The Year Of Simple Living – Stephanie Parrell
Notes On A Nervous Planet – Matt Haig

18 thoughts on “The Tricycle Way – Sanjog Aul | Original Self-Help Book Providing A Proven Way To Achieve Both Success And Happiness

  1. This sounds like a great book. I think most of us struggle to find that healthy work/life balance and when social media is at our fingertips where everyone is sharing their fame and wealth with the world, it can be hard sometimes not to crave that for yourself and subsequently work harder and make sacrifices – which might lead to negative outcomes! x

  2. You did a great job reviewing this! There are so many self help books but it is nice to see one that come with a little more fresh perspective.

  3. I love self-help books but if I’m being honest I actually need the opposite of this – something that will encourage me to up the ‘work’ side of my work-life balance, haha! It sounds perfect though for the highly ambitious people that find it hard to switch off, so I’ll bear it in mind to recommend to people!
    Beth x Adventure & Anxiety

  4. Work-Life balance is important! I spent a fair amount of time thinking about this concept of happiness. I am the author of “This Is Your Quest ‘ – a self-help book that defies the genre. The book itself is a journey, it guides and coaches the reader to adopt an explorer mindset in their own Quest towards happiness through the trifecta of money, love, and health. The book provides valuable lessons from history, philosophy, and economics. Maybe you would like to add my book to your list of self-help books you would like to read?! Feel Free to check it out!

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