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What kind of child were you? Were you a kid who could never sit still, who always had to go-go-go? Or were you one that could easily lose yourself in a book and not look up for hours? Now, how about as an adult: Have you stayed in that go-go-go mindset, or have you maintained a devotion to the written word, even in the face of all the distractions that many of us face from technology and entertainment?

If you’ve always been or if you have developed into a bookworm, you may be doing more good for your brain than you realize. Believe it or not, there are some amazing benefits of being a bookworm. But if you’re not, you don’t have to lose hope: You can still cultivate the good reading habits that can help you maintain some brain function. So what are some tips that you can rely on in order to try to become a more devoted bookworm? This graphic offers some fun challenges and tips to read more books.
Tips To Read More Books

You can find out about the benefits of being a bookworm by reading this great article on how reading can help both your mind and body. And, now that you can use your health as an excuse to read even more, then you might need some more recommendations! Here are the top books I’d recommend on Amazon based on what I’ve read recently. Use these to get started with the above challenges!
My book recommendations
If you like thrillers, mystery, and action-focused books
Thrillers are my favourite type of book – particularly the psychological variety. I love a book that keeps me hanging on to its every word. I’ve come across so many amazing authors in the genre – it’s hard to narrow down my favourites! The following three are absolutely gripping, and well worth a read.
If you like romance, love, and relationships
There’s nothing cosier than a loved-up romance! Very different to thrillers and mysteries, but I absolutely love rom-coms. These are all perfect books to pair with a rainy day, a snuggly duvet, and a piece of cake (or two).
If you like fantasy and science-fiction
I’m very particular when it comes to fantasy and science-fiction books – I don’t review them often! Sometimes, though, books in the genre really stand out to me. I’ve made more of an effort to read them this year, and I’ve loved these in particular.
If you want non-fiction over fiction books
Non-fiction will always have a special place in my heart – sometimes it’s great to immerse yourself in the real world. I’ve become fond of memoirs since becoming a book blogger but I also love learning through non-fiction. Here are three in particular that I’ve loved!
Prefer listening to your bookish content?
If you’re more of an audiobook fan then I’d totally recommend Audible. I really disliked audiobooks until I signed up to Audible’s 30 day free trial… Within days I was hooked! I now have a membership and use it to listen to non-fiction books, which I find really easy to digest via audio. I’ve discovered that there’s nothing better than listening to an audiobook in the bath, or after a long day. Click the banner below for more details on how to sign up for the free trial.
Which of these tips to read more books will you try out first? Let me know below, and make sure to like and pin if you enjoyed this article. You can read some of my other bookish posts here:
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Great post!! I’m trying to get my reading time up at the moment – lack of a commute this year means my reading has plummeted – and definitely need to adopt the switching up the TV time.