Want To Sell Products Online? Here Are Three Ecommerce Tips For Beginners

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The wonderful thing about the internet is that it offers so many ways to make money and get your business noticed. If you’ve been following my blog recently then you’ll know that I’ve ventured into new business territory with the launch of my first bundle of printables for cooking, which is such a big step for me! I’m very new to ecommerce but excited to see where it goes.

Title image for Ecommerce Tips For Beginners
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

I’m definitely not original by venturing into product creation – hundreds of bloggers do the same and I’ve seen them make so much progress since I joined the blogging community. There are such a great variety of products being made and sold and I absolutely love seeing people do well at it. However, it’s a minefield when it comes to learning how to get ecommerce right… There’s just so much information out there! To get started, here are the three ecommerce tips for beginners that will help you go about it in the right way.

Create quality products

This sounds really obvious, but it’s so important. One of the biggest ecommerce tips for beginners especially is to consider whether your products and designs are good enough. There are many things I could have invested my time into, but I haven’t because they’re just not that great.

“Quality over quantity” is an important thing to remember when planning what you want to sell. In reality, you’re really only as good as your worst product. If you create something a bit naff then that can discredit your other products, and that’s not something that you want. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in loads of different ideas – I mean, how exciting is it to create your own product?! – but you don’t need to produce them all. Your audience probably doesn’t want you to, to be honest.

Before selling anything, identify what your audience’s pain points are and work out what products will help them. A good trick I’ve learnt from the ecommerce experts is to first write down every single idea that you have. Then, go through the list and get rid of anything you’re probably not qualified to do yet. After that, cross off anything that doesn’t solve a problem for your audience. Now you’ll have a much smaller list of quality ideas that you can create something amazing from.

And if you don’t know what problems your audience are facing? Ask them! I’ve totally been guilty of not doing this before. I’ve latched onto some “incredible” idea, only realising afterwards that the only person that really wanted it was me. So much wasted time that could have gone towards something useful. Don’t be afraid to ask your audience what they want.

Showcase your products professionally

Once you’ve created your product to the best of your ability and you’ve got your shop ready then it’s time to showcase them to the public. And, unfortunately, this is where lots of people fall down.

You could have the best product in the world, but if you present it in a rubbish way then it’s likely no one will want it! Presentation is key when it comes to ecommerce, from how each individual product is presented to what your whole store looks like. Imagine going to a physical shop – if it’s full of cobwebs, with stock all over the place and rubbish packaging, then who in their right mind would shop there?

One of the biggest aspects of product presentation, especially if you create designs or physical products, is showing the consumer how they look. Mockups are a really great way to do this, and are so important to ecommerce brands. If you’re not sure what I’m talking about then think about those stock images where a design can be placed on top to give an idea of what it will look like on the product. You’ll see them a lot in custom T-shirt stores, or online shops that sell prints or novelty products.

Example of mockup bundle from Design Bundles
One of many excellent mockup bundles available from Design Bundles

There are so many different mockups that you can purchase, and sites like Design Bundles are great as they offer them all within one place. There are whole bundles of photos that you can purchase, or you can go for something specific. Maybe you need a mug mockup for your new design, or perhaps a print mockup to showcase what it would look like up on the wall. Physically creating all of your product designs would be impossible, so this is a brilliant way of getting your vision across to your audience with minimal expense and effort.

You’ll also want to extend this to your full shop, too. Make it a place that people will want to visit. Use attractive designs for your shop header and logo, and ensure that it contains the information that it needs – what you’re about, how to contact you, and so on. Give as much detail as you can about each product and target it towards your audience. An enjoyable shopping experience will make more of an impact than one that doesn’t meet the consumer’s needs.

Market your products regularly, and change tactics when it’s not working

Like with the presentation of your product, the way you market it is absolutely crucial. This is still something I’m learning about, but it’s immediately clear that you have to have a strategy in place.

Marketing strategy on blackboard with thumbs up
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The best research for marketing is to watch the successful people. Look at how often they promote their products, and how they market it to their audience. What buzz words are they using to get people interested? Are they promoting flash sales or discount codes? Which platforms are they getting engagement with? Identify why people are going for their products, and try it out with your own.

That’s not to say that cloning someone else’s method will work – it’s likely that you’ll have to refine it to suit you and your audience. There will be a lot of trial and error, and things may not work how you’d hoped. But that’s okay! Adjust your game plan and try something different. And when it does work, make sure you keep at it, promoting often and tailoring it to your audience.

What are the tops ecommerce tips for beginners that you wish you had known when starting out? And if you don’t, how are you looking forward to using ecommerce in the future? Share your thoughts below, and don’t forget to like and pin! You can read some of my other business articles below:

How To Manage Your Home Business Admin
12 Ways To Make Money Online
7 Ways To Maximise Efficiency Whilst Working From Home

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9 thoughts on “Want To Sell Products Online? Here Are Three Ecommerce Tips For Beginners

  1. I would love to get involved with e-commerce, but the sad fact is that I’m just not creative or skilled enough to come up with anything useful haha! These tips are bang on though, it’s all about marketing your products in the right way in my opinion!

  2. Hannah,
    Just like any other business, testing over and over again is what will separate you from those who say ‘there is no money from the internet’. This is not a one-time hit wonder. Different platforms have different offers. You have to settle for the one that works for you – but you are better off starting off from a ground that someone ahead of you has tested and tried – so that you do not make the same mistakes (but not copy their work). It baffles me that people still look for instant money, but are not willing to put in the work for the long haul of the business.🙃
    I have shared the post and also bookmarked it.
    H Emma |

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