Since becoming vegan I’ve developed an interest in vitamins and supplements. I hadn’t considered them before but researching them has shown me that they can be useful for anyone. Recently I collaborated with UCEBO, who offer a vegan health supplement pack as their standalone product. It turns out that it’s a completely unique item on the market, making it a really curious product to review.
UCEBO Health Supplement
“UCEBO provides a simple, effective way to improve your inner well-being.
A new wellness product based on cutting edge research.
With the crowded, bustling nature of 2020, UCEBO provides a welcome point of clarity. Backed by extensive peer-reviewed research which shows the incredible results ‘honest’ placebos can produce.
Primarily focused on improving inner well-being, UCEBO harnesses the power of the placebo effect. By using the concept of ‘honest’ placebos, empowering you to make powerful positive changes to your life.
UCEBO provides everything you need to make long-lasting steps forward. It’s your journey, but UCEBO is here to help you every step of the way.
Discover a better you, discover UCEBO.”
(Taken from Ucebo’s website)
The Placebo Effect
UCEBO is a placebo, meaning that it doesn’t actually contain any medicine. Instead it is made up of just l-tyrosine, a naturally-occuring amino acid which is often used in fitness and performance environments to increase alertness and encourage neurotransmitter creation. It’s safe to consume and helps to increase focus and signalling within the brain. People may take it before an exam, performance, or stressful situation (source: Bulk Powders). It only works like this in physical situations, with no physiological impact, making it an ideal placebo substance. The concept of UCEBO is simple – take one every day and see results.

There’s lots of research on placebos, with studies proving multiple times that they have a place within medicine. People who take placebos thinking that that they are real medicine mostly see positive results and, interestingly, even the people who know full well that the medicine they are taking isn’t real do as well. This is what UCEBO is – an honest placebo that can positively benefit the user even though they know full well that it is not medicine.
I’ll admit that I was sceptical, however I have dabbled in placebos before. I’ve used rituals to improve my focus, fix my irritable mood for a period of time, and sort out my sleep pattern, so I know that they work (and for all three of these I believed it was a placebo, rather than some magical act).
The UCEBO process
As well as thirty days of health supplement “pills”, the product also contains a journal made of recycled paper, a gorgeous tree twig pencil, three blank stickers, and a lifetime subscription to their online magazine. Every element of the set is eco-friendly and the capsules are completely vegan.

As instructed I took one pill every day for thirty days. The idea is also to write in your journal, using your tree twig pencil if desired. It felt so rustic and meaningful compared with using a biro, which I loved. I decided to dedicate my thirty days towards mostly my mental health – my motivation and my emotional balance in particular.
I also wanted to work on the issue of my insomnia. This is something I struggle with periodically, and at the time of starting the UCEBO capsules I was finding it hard to get to sleep at night, and struggling to get out of bed in the morning until the very last minute (a side effect of my SAD medication).

A couple of days into my journey I read through of the first issue of UCEBO’s e-magazine. It explains how to use their health supplement and its benefits before detailing the science behind it and loads of studies that back it all up. It’s actually a really fascinating read! After this it suggests some positive things we can do for the environment, a big focus of UCEBO’s. There is only one e-magazine issue so far, but more will be with us soon.
My Results
Interestingly, I started to notice changes in my mood within the first couple of days. I found myself putting time aside to take my capsule and write my journal alone in my studio. This is something I don’t usually prioritise so just that act alone made me feel a little bit better. I looked forward to it and enjoyed reflecting on my day. To add to this I also repeated positive affirmations each night.
After a while I noticed a shift in my general mood throughout the day. When I faced stressful situations I became better at stepping back and look at it from a more balanced viewpoint. The capsules would appear in my mind and I’d feel able to push negative thoughts to one side. I faced some stressful situations which wasn’t easy, but it felt easier than usual.

My motivation increased as well, and I improved at pushing myself to get stuff done. I had become more important – a person I needed to care for and improve. Using the studio as my place of choice made it feel more special as a room, and I’ve found myself spending more time up there during the day, which has been productive and positive. I even went for a run yesterday, which I haven’t done in around a year!
There was still the matter of sleep, which I was hoping to gain a positive result with. This didn’t happen immediately, however towards the end of the thirty days I noticed a slight shift towards a healthier sleeping pattern. Of course, I don’t think the health supplement itself improved this, but rather the measures I had become motivated to put in place. Feeling more focused on self-care I made more of an effort with my sleep, trying out meditation and listening to audiobooks to help settle my mind. I didn’t manage to stick with the meditation but the audiobook sessions have become a regular thing – this is the first time in my life that I’ve been able to enjoy them.
Final Thoughts
I’m surprised to say it, but I have actually seen a positive difference within all areas. I’m more motivated in general, and I feel a lot better at dealing with my emotions than I did recently. My sleeping, although still not in a state where I can fall asleep and get up easily, has improved to the point where getting to sleep takes less time and effort than it did before, and I can now wake up in the morning at a more reasonable hour (though I’m still groggy).

What using UCEBO’s set really taught me is that you don’t actually need loads of expensive things to change your life as it all starts with you. The changes I made I chose to implement, and my improvement in wellbeing was again a result of my actions. I needed UCEBO as a kickstarter but I now can really feel the old me – the Hannah that was focused on health and wellbeing – coming back from where I left her.
If, like me, you need that little extra something to get you started on your positive journey of wellbeing, then UCEBO might just be it.
(Please remember to check with your doctor beforehand in case of medication interference).
Health Supplement Purchase Links
If you’d like to buy a set from UCEBO then you can do so from the UCEBO website.
Have you ever used a placebo before, or is it something that you would consider? Let me know in the comments, and don’t forget to like and pin! You can read some of my other health product reviews here:
Mistatera CBD Oil
Oregon Skincare
Crohn’s & Colitis In My Shoes App

Really interesting product. I think this might be useful for children/teenagers who don’t know it is a placebo. Thanks for sharing. I had no idea this was something that could be purchased.
That’s an interesting thought! I’m not sure whether it is suitable for children’s consumption (I presume a smaller dose would be needed) but that could definitely be something to look into for the wellness sector.
This sounds very interesting! I haven’t heard much about placebos before but I’m happy to hear that you’ve had positive results. Anything that has the potential to get me more motivated is something that I’d like to try out, so I might be giving these a try sometime soon.
They’re really interesting! There’s loads of studies online about different ones that have worked so well worth looking into.
What a great supplement. I haven’t heard of it before, but I am glad you noticed some positive changes after taking it for awhile!
It was a very interesting product to review!
This sounds interesting! I remember learning about the placebo effect in sixth form in psychology – always thought it was fascinating! I didn’t realised companies actually released placbo based products though! Glad to hear you noticed some differences! xxx
Me neither! Definitely makes me want to try more.
This sounds like a really interesting product and I love the fact that it comes with a pencil & journal to document your mood too. Even if it’s a placebo, it sounds like it can give you a kickstart into healthier habits and give you an overall boost. It’s great to hear that you have had such positive results already. Thank you for sharing your review Hannah, great post! <3 xx
Bexa |
No worries – I’m just fascinated that’s it’s an honest placebo and still works!
I have always been fascinated by the placebo effect and how it can be used positively to impact people’s health and well-being. It’s a great way to see the benefits that we hope to gain from pharmaceuticals without subjecting ourselves to the side effects!
It’s so interesting, isn’t it?
I am defo one for health supplements, vitamins and the like. Since working from home I’ve been a little slack so this post has reminded me to put this as a priority again!
Ah I’m glad!
I had no idea that there were studies about people who knew they were taking placebos, that’s so interesting! It just shows the power of changing your mindset, doesn’t it? This is a really intriguing product and I love the results you seem to have had from it! Definitely something I’ll be looking into as it sounds really beneficial.
It’s mad how it all works!