Book Of Panacea – Tineke Peeters | Intriguing YA Story Focused Around The Greek Gods

***AD: This is a sponsored post but all thoughts are my own***

Author: Tineke Peeters
Genre: Young adult/fantasy
Published: February 2019


A young Goddess named Panacea undertakes an adventure of a lifetime. Unbeknown to her there is a prophecy hanging over her head. Thanks to this prophecy, her grandfather, Apollo, left Earth to the suns’ mercy causing a supernova to destroy all. Let’s say the Gods were not happy. Panacea had to stay invisible to the Gods as her father had to be before her.When her powers show themselves, her parents are forced to send her to ‘the’ training island. She was supposed to be all alone. Hades decides he wants an island of his own and finds out about the training island. Arriving there he discovers Panacea. Together with her trusted talking pigeon, her Dryad godmother, two elves, and other Gods and Goddesses she fights to stay invisible AND take on the biggest task of all: caring for all animals and creatures.Is she ready for it?
(Taken from Goodreads)

My Review

Young adult is a fairly new genre for me – although I sometimes read it has a teenager I tended to gravitate towards adult novels as they were more accessible for me, and I haven’t really read much YA since. It was nice to delve back into it with Book of Panacea though, especially with the Greek gods slant to the story.

Tineke Peeters has a fascinating imagination as an author and I absolutely loved the concept of the story – I already have an interest in the Greek gods, but the initial premise of them accidentally destroying Earth was what drew me in. I felt this was a really original idea and it worked well, and paved the way for an interesting plot that contained lots of twists and turns. The topic is archaic but Peeters comes at it from a very modern angle, with gods and goddesses that wear everyday clothing and speak very much like we do. I felt this made the characters relatable and put a different spin on them than the usual one we’re so often presented with.

Cover image of Book of Panacea by Tineke Peeters

The character development was what I liked most about the book – each character was interesting with their own quirks, and the chemistry between characters was really focused on. Panacea is a relatable main character for a young teenager, struggling not only with goddess issues but also many things normal teenagers struggle with as they hit puberty. Hades was also interestingly written, as was Panacea’s trusted group of friends and family. My favourite character of course was Apple, a sort of baby Cerberus dog, who was really brought to life throughout and had so much personality from the very beginning.

I wasn’t so much of a fan of the writing style – not being well-versed in YA, it was very different to the style I usually go for in the women’s fiction and psychological thrillers I’m often drawn to. I felt the editing could have tighter, but generally the writing style was easy to read and very dialogue-focused, which I would say suits the tween age range the best. It’s a good length – not too long, but long enough to add depth to the story. There’s nothing particularly graphic involved but there are multiple instances of swearing – these are mostly mild, but it’s good to take note of if you are considering buying this book for a younger person.


Final Thoughts

Book Of Panacea deals with multiple themes from discovering oneself, growing up, and falling in love for the first time. These are all themes I wished I’d read more about in secondary school as all three of them were relevant to my teenage years, and the book takes them all seriously. Book Of Panacea will interest those into fantasy and the Greek gods most of all, and is also worth considering for any tweens/teenagers struggling with any of the themes mentioned above. An enjoyable read that’s one to check out!

Purchase Links

If you’d like to purchase Book Of Panacea then you can do so here:

Book Of Panacea by Tineke Peeters – Amazon UK
Book Of Panacea by Tineke Peeters – Amazon US

Author Bio

Tineke is the author of ‘Book of Panacea’.
She is the stepmom to two teenagers and partner of their dad. Currently she is working on a mystery romance and looking to publish a children’s book.
She is 36 and uses her adventures of the past in England and Africa as her inspiration. Her adventure as a stepmom is helping her to grow in her writing!
(Taken from Goodreads)

If you enjoyed my review or have your own comments about the book then please let me know in the comments, and don’t forget to like and pin! You can also check my other recent book reviews here:

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The Clouds Beyond Us – Rahf AlRashidi

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